My Flipped Classroom Resources and Tips, from Beginner to Advanced #flipclass #edchat #edtech

I’ve gotten a lot of requests recently for resources on my flipped classroom, best practices, tips & tricks, and advice for getting started. So I wanted to compile some of these things in this post!

A very quick recap of my evolution:

  • 2010 – started by making screencasts for my AP Calculus AB students. My mentality – if it was going to be purely lecture, offload that to video
  • 2012 – began flipping Honors Algebra 2. Game changer: embed quizzes into videos. Use data to pre-identify areas where class struggled; target individual work needed. Students use feedback to inform their understanding and questions to be asked.
  • current goals –
    — my videos: I’m working to extend my reach and help students beyond my class (building youtube channel; editing videos for that platform)
    — in-class: continually improving what class looks like & what we do in the classroom; making more time to dig/discuss/engage/personalize/etc; improving the flow (very important to me) so that end of class frames homework video which frames intro discussion which leads to class activity and ends by framing next homework video
    — my students: ap calculus students use online platform ( to help students beyond our classroom and to build analytical & verbal skills in mathematics

Tools that I use and recommend:

1. I use Camtasia Studio (PC only) to record, edit, and produce my videos. In the editor, I can add interactive elements like quizzes, hotspots/pauses, and callout boxes. (Note: Camtasia Mac does not allow for the embedded quizzes, but you can also use a webtool like Zaption EDpuzzle for that (see below). For a full comparison of Camtasia PC vs Mac, see Camtasia Studio vs Camtasia Mac.)

Update: The new Camtasia is now cross-platform and supports interactivity (quizzing & analytics on both Mac & PC)! That being said, my current workflow is: I create & edit my videos in Camtasia, then produce them to YouTube, and add interactivity using EDpuzzle.

2. I use a Surface Pro 3 to create my screencast. Pre-recording, I make a PPT presentation to lay out my lesson. During the recording, I use the pen tool in the PPT presentation to handwrite answers and explanations.

3. I recommend Zaption as a webtool to turn any video into a learning tour. Whether this is your way of adding interactive elements to a video you have personally created or taking a pre-created video that you’ve found on YouTube, Zaption is a great tool to customize the video watching experience for your students.

Update: Zaption was acquired in the fall of 2016. I now recommend EDpuzzle as a way to make any YouTube video interactive learning experience for students.

4. Another great (free) tool, if you are using a PC, is Office Mix. You can see an article I wrote about that here. This is a very simple way to make a “video” lesson with interactive elements.

Sample content that I’ve created for my flipped math classes:
Here is a sample of one of my screencasts for Algebra 2, creating using Camtasia Studio
Here is a sample mix created for Algebra 2, created using Office Mix
Here is a gigantic tips & tricks video I created for my AP Calculus students during review time, created using Zaption.
All Honors Algebra 2 videos can be found here
All AP Calculus AB videos can be found here

4 thoughts on “My Flipped Classroom Resources and Tips, from Beginner to Advanced #flipclass #edchat #edtech

    • I use a mic for my flipped classroom videos to have improved quality and to limit background sounds. I use the audio technica AT2020. If I’m just making an informal video, though, the built-in mic on the surface pro picks up my voice well enough.

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