My Article For Google & TES: The top edtech tools for teachers to try in 2017.

I recently wrote a new year themed article for a joint project between Google and the Times Educational Supplement (TES).

Top edtech tools for teachers to try in 2017

Click here for the full piece.


  1. Neil, I’m happy to see you on TES!

    You wrote about things, that back in 2000 would seem really crazy and unbelievable! Robotics, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, competitions between classes from different parts of the world… Wow. The future is here.

    Collaborative blogging with class, that is somewhere behind your imaginary bounds, it’s a real challenge for students. I should think about implementing this in my class.

    We previously used blogging, but it was like a big class blog, where everyone was writing their own blog posts. Of course, I checked students work for potential similarities with Unplag and introduced them to the digital citizenship.


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