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5 tips for primary teachers in 2017

For primary teachers one of the most important challenges for this year is to improve classes and make them more engaging for pupils. One of the keys of teaching children is to get them involved in lessons, so here are five tips for primary teachers that can help plan classes in an innovating and appealing way for the students.

                                                        Discover the resources for primary teachers

What are the most important tips for primary teachers?

1. Encourage the exchange of ideas

A class cannot be planned completely in advance; teachers must be able to improvise on the fly to adapt to the classroom dynamics, which may be different every time. An important objective is to involve the students and to have them motivated during the lesson, so we must promote their participation and give them space to voice their opinion. Therefore, one of the most important tips for primary teachers is that they must adapt to the debates that arise in class, as long as they relate to the subject.

2. Create visually attractive lessons

In order to maintain the attention of students in primary education, a series of visual resources that accompany each lesson is vital. Primary teachers have many tools at their disposal to enrich the subject, such as Goconqr’s mind maps. These tools allow teachers to create  educational resources which display content in an attractive manner (such as the mind map shown below) in a matter of minutes.

mind maps

3. Take pupils out of their comfort zone

On of the tips for primary teachers that we must never forget is that we need to encourage students to show the best of themselves and guide them at a personal and academic level. Promoting self-sufficiency encourages students to perform tasks independently and autonomously, without constantly asking what they should do. To do this, avoid helping older students excessively and give them a margin of freedom so that they learn to function without being subject to constant supervision

4. Innovative to motivate students (and yourself!)

The fact that a student is bored because the class is not challenging is an important thing to avoid. The office of teaching runs the risk of becoming routine, since teachers often repeat the same lessons one course after another. But it is imperative to innovate year after year. In this way, you’ll be more motivated and your positive energy will be transmitted to the children.

5. Give feedback to students (and parents)

Communication with students is essential to be able to give them the best advice possible and channel them on the right track. Assessing and reporting on homework in a speedy manner keeps pupils motivated.With daily monitoring of their class participation and the correction of the duties they deliver, you can have a fairly accurate perception of the level of each of your students and be able to help them in a more effective way. Parents also appreciate consistent feedback on their children’s performance, and knowing their child’s strengths and weaknesses enables a continuity in the learning environment between the primary school and the home.