12 Google+ Communities For and By Hawaii Educators

+Chad Nacapuy, who comes up with many of the ideas for our Google Rocks! Hawaii HOA shows, has listed here several Hawaii-created, educational Google+ communities for our Best Google+ Communities for Educators show tonight. I thought I'd add to Chad's list and post it here.

Are there others? Let me know and I'll add them to this list.

(Public communities are a click away to join, many private communities require a request to join.)

1. ACE 21  (Administrator Certificate for Excellence) - A collaborative space for Hawaii's educators. "The purpose of this G+ Community is to connect communities of all scales (classroom, discipline, school, complex, state, national and international) in a single, collaborative space. By leveraging Google+, educators are able to access a deep well of resources while also contributing to the shared body of knowledge. There will be opportunities for live webinars, and sessions as well as synchronous and asynchronous professional development modules." - private - Owner: Marybeth Baldwin

2. CCDC 1:1 (Common Core Digital Curriculum) - State of Hawaii Department of Education - private

3. Ed Tech Mixed Plate - "Our mission: To give a little something to everyone:#EdTech ideas, tools & #EduRockStars to add to your plate. We host Live Hangouts on Air!" - public - owner: Michael Fricano II

4. Hale Kula Tech Tips  - Teachers helping teachers integrate technology. "Hale Kula Elementary School Teachers sharing how they, and their students, use technology to create, collaborate, communicate and think critically" -  public - owner: Michelle Colte

5. HASL on Google+  - a gathering place for Hawaii school librarians - private - owner: Linda Lindsay

6. Hawaii Educational Technology  - a gathering place for Hawaii educational techies - public - owner: Larry McCarty

7. Hawaii GAFE Community  - Google Apps for Education discussion group for Hawaii educators - public - owner: Brendan Brennan

8. Hawaii Libraries for the Future  - Supporting 21st Century Libraries - public - owner: Joanna Dunn and Faith Ishihara

9. Hawaii Maker Community  - connecting makers in the Aloha State - public - owner: Ryan Ozawa

10. Hawaii School Peace Gardens Network  - focus project of pHi Delta Kappa Hawaii - public - owner - Miki Tomita

11. MDET (Maui District Educators for Technology - private

12. (added after show) Vox Box Ed 21 - "Make a box. Insert iPad. Pose an epic question. Share your voice!" - public - owner: Amy Burvall

Here's Exploring Google+ Communities for K-12 Educators:

We hope you find the show useful for your PLN.

Linda Lindsay
(on behalf of the Google Rocks! HOA Hawaii panel)