Harnessing Twitter as an Interactive Newspaper -- Paper.li for Teachers

2014 update to 2010 post on paper.li: 

Educators are using paper.li to share their Twitter content in a daily (twice-daily, or weekly) interactive newspaper. SmallRivers is the Swiss-based company that created paper.li.

Anyone can easily create (and delete) a paper, which could make for a transient experience. However, there are some Tweeters you can count on being there. And papers created from solid educational hashtags like #edchat and #edtechchat will always be around.

Paper.li content can come from a variety of sources:

The possibilities and purposes are endless.

Could paper.li be used in the classroom? Of course! Think a student newspaper, a compilation of student writing/multi-media projects, for starters ...

Here's a selected list of great education-related dailies already on paper.li:

I recommend that you subscribe to them, for most efficient use of your time.

Papers that curate hashtags:

paper.li/tag/artsed The artsed Daily (Arts Education)
paper.li/tag/cpchat The #cpchat Daily (Connected Principals)
paper.li/tag/edapp The #edapp Daily (Educational Apps)
paper.li/tag/edchat The #edchat Daily
paper.li/tag/edtech The #edtech Daily
paper.li/tag/education The #education Daily
paper.li/tag/elearning The #elearning Daily
paper.li/tag/elemchat (Elementary Ed)
paper.li/tag/engchat The #engchat Daily

paper.li/tag/gtchat The #gtchat Daily (Gifted and Talented Children)
paper.li/tag/globaled The #globaled Daily
paper.li/tag/lrnchat The #lrnchat Daily (similar to #edchat)
paper.li/tag/mathchat The #mathchat Daily
#midleved Daily (Middle School)
paper.li/tag/mlearning The #mlearning Daily (mobile)
paper.li/tag/musedchat The #musedchat Daily (music education)
paper.li/tag/ntchat The #ntchat Daily (New Teachers)
paper.li/tag/parenting The #parenting Daily
paper.li/tag/ptchat (Parent-Teacher)
paper.li/tag/science The #science Daily
paper.li/tag/socialmedia The #socialmedia Daily
paper.li/tag/sschat The #sschat Daily (Social Science)
paper.li/tag/scichat  The #scichat Daily (Science)
paper.li/tag/tlchat The #tlchat Daily (Teacher-Librarians)

Papers created by individuals:

The classroom-teachers Daily (Free Technology for Teachers author Richard Byrne's classroom-teachers Twitter list)
The Cool Cat Teacher Daily Tweetpaper Vicki Davis
http://paper.li/creativeedu The Creative Education Daily
http://paper.li/educationweek The Education Week Daily
http://paper.li/LitChat from litchat.net
The Steven W. Anderson Daily (Web20classroom author)

Want more? Find more papers or people at the paper.li newsstand.

YES, I did create two papers: 

The #GTANY Daily, which looks like a hashtag-created newspaper, but is instead a newspaper created from Danny Silva's public list of Google Teacher Academy New York attendees. I must keep up with what my compadres are up to!

And I just created The Teacher-Librarians Daily, from my public Twitter list of 435+ teacher-librarians that I continue to grow. I must check "the Twitter pulse of school librarians, daily." 

Harnessing Twitter with newspapers like paper.li